Ben & Avery - a LONG overdue sneak peak!
First off, I want to thank Ben & Avery for being so incredibly patient with me through all of life's crazy twists and turns in my life! The saying, "when it rains, it pours" couldn't be more true in my life these past few weeks! It all started off with my 5D camera breaking at Ben & Avery's wedding! Thankfully I carry a backup, so I was able to work through that issue. Then when I got back from our Michigan vacation, my hard drive crashed on my iMac, both of my kids got sick at two separate times, my iMac ended up back in the shop for something the techs broke while giving me a new hard drive, and I have been on session overload! Other small things, like losing my keys in the woods at a session and having to reinstall EVERYTHING onto my new hard drive, but I won't mention those.....haha! BUT, I am alive, so THAT is what I have to be thankful for! : )
Ben & Avery were such a joy to work with, their entire bridal party, family, EVERYONE, was such a pleasure to spend the day with! I knew I was in the right place when Ben's mother came up to me when I was clearly stressed, and her unaware of any of it, touch me on my shoulder and said that she was praying for me. What a blessing! TOTALLY needed it that day for sure!!!!
So, here is a LONG overdue sneak peak from their sweet, sweet wedding! Many more sneak peaks to come, hopefully before I leave for Florida on Friday!!!