The "H" Family
Oh how I have loved watching this family grow! This family has been a part of my life for a very long time and it has been such a privilege to see Joe & Emily through marriage and now two adorable children!! I am so grateful to all of my recurring clients who stick with me throughout the years and allow me to capture their sweet little families!!
Thank you guys so very much!!
Here is a peak from our session!!
isn't this little fella soooooo sweet?! Look at those eyes of his!
haha, love it!
check out that baby chub, ADORABLE!!!!
I wish you could've seen Miss Aliyah when I brought out this tutu, I didn't think she was ever gonna take it off!
Can you tell how much she LOVED it?! : )
AHHHH......and THIS ONE!!!!
sweet, sweet baby.
You can't tell from any of the photos above, but Aliyah was not a super happy camper this day. I LOVE her sweet kisses for her daddy and the fact that she holds his ear. <3 Melts my heart.