baby j
i haven't seen baby j since i did her newborn has she grown! i tell all of my previous clients how i just LOVE watching their little ones grow! it's so neat to see them and how their personalities change over that period of time. i am so blessed to have such an amazing job and so blessed to meet so many wonderful people!
j's momma is a cloth diapering type of momma, so she brought a nice little stash with her that we were able to use for the session! love all the prints cloths have to offer!! j was such a joy! : ) she lasted a lot longer than what i had anticipated, and we got some sweet little shots of her. take a peek for yourself!
started off our session with some sweet little Valentine's Day ideas I had. thinking of offering mini sessions next year for V-day!
look at baby j's sweet curly hair!
big smiles.
i love this shot. she looks like a little fish about to attack a worm! : )
the expression on baby j's face here is just priceless. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!
and i LOVE this shot! so glad i was quick enough to grab this expression. love!!
j's momma brought one of her baby outfits from when she was a baby, i threw in the little bonnet i had and there ya go, sweet vintage baby! : )
i think at this point j was over our session......she looks a little sleepy here. hehe.
thanks for a great session, see you again soon!!!