Baby Drew - 4 weeks old

First off, sorry I have been missing in action lately. WOW! This time of year is CRAZY!!! I was gone for a week over Thanksgiving to visit my in-laws for the holiday and now I have been slammed with work! Everyone is placing last minute Christmas orders and it's kind of hard keeping up with that on top of my 2 crazy girls! I was really looking forward to taking the month of December off to spend some much needed time with my family, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like I will be getting my wish after all. On top of all the orders coming in, I'm really getting excited about next years Bridal Fair that is put on my The Republic Newspaper here in Columbus. I will be there displaying all of my wedding work, so come on by and see me! It's a huge fair with TONS of vendors! The date for it is January 31 from 12-4.

Anyways, this little guy, Drew, definitely had a rough start at life! He was born 4 weeks early and had some complications with breathing. He had to have surgery and everything, it was truly awful. I know Drew's parents and his big brother, Conner. We were definitely praying for this little guy and his family when they were going through all of that, what scary times! Being a mother myself, these situations pull at my heart strings soooo much! Thank God that Drew is home and doing well!!! He is such a little cutie. Here is a peek from our session.

We discovered that he liked to just lay on the chair looking out the window. : )

I love this one, how he's poking his squishy little cheek.

I love this one, it is too funny!

Drew with his big brother

You can totally tell how crazy Conner is about his new baby brother

Drew being a great sport letting me test out one of my new knitted hats by a very kind and talented friend

I think Drew was over our session from this point on. ha! I always love these shots though, so true to new life.

I have finally completed my new pricing for 2010. I will be releasing them very soon!


Anonymous –  (December 7, 2009 at 7:20 AM) always you have done a wonderful job at capturing the spirit of my grandchildren. You are great!

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