Tim & Haley E-Session
The other evening I met up with Tim & Haley for their engagement session. What an adorable couple they are! We had so much fun trekking around looking for spots for our shoot. I was pretty excited about this new area that I found, it's totally my style! I'll definitely be going back there soon!!!
Tim is a youth pastor in Illinois and Haley is studying to be a nurse at a school in Illinois as well. Haley graduates in December and they are getting married in January! This all seems so familiar to me, as this is what I did when I got married! Graduated in December, got married in January. : )
But yeah, this couple was a blast and so fun! Seriously one of the nicest couples, I can't wait for their wedding!!! Here is their sneak peek! COMMENTS!!
Haley is quite the looker! : )
Can't ever decide between black and white or color.....what do you think??
I'm thinking HUGE canvas for this one for my display at this years bridal fair......I LOVE this shot, Haley is HOTT!!
This shot is too funny! Tim suggested they both go with a real stoic face.
Love this!
Love this one too!!
There were seriously so many other great ones that I wanted to post more, but I had to stop myself! Time to finally spend some time with my kiddos! This editing thing takes sooooo much time!!
Love them! Awesome job, way to make us look good even though we were difficult models!
they are a gorgeous couple! I really like the colored photo.