my sweet little niece, hailey
Well, my family and I just got back from a visit to Virginia.....where my husbands family lives. His little sister was tying the knot and I was their wedding photographer! More pictures from the wedding to come at a later date.
While there, I was able to have a mini, and I mean mini, session with Miss sweet little niece. (Josh's sisters little girl) We trekked out into some woods behind a school where they live and did about a 10 minute shoot. It was time for Hailey's nap and I didn't want to take any chances of her being cranky! My mother in law had the most adorable little whicker baby buggy, I wish I could've fit on the plane with me to take home, and an old little children's rocking chair. Hailey is seriously the most smiley baby and was such a pleasure to photograph!
Here are a few of my favorites.
Isn't she a cutie pie?!